The future of WMD arms control

Facilitating dialogue between States around the implementation of WMD agreements

WMD-related regimes remain under pressure, with implementation gaps, compliance challenges and geostrategic tensions. UNIDIR’s work is designed to facilitate dialogue between States around the implementation of WMD agreements, consolidate the non-use of nuclear weapons, recraft strategic arms control, and revitalize the pursuit of nuclear disarmament.

James Revill

James Revill

Head of Programme
Space Security, Weapons of Mass Destruction
Andrey Baklitskiy

Andrey Baklitskiy

Senior Researcher
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Sarah Erickson

Sarah Erickson

Project Coordinator
Space Security, Weapons of Mass Destruction
Pavel Podvig

Pavel Podvig

Senior Researcher
Weapons of Mass Destruction