James Revill

Head of Programme Space Security, Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • james.revill@un.org
  • +41 22 917 28 47
  • @RevillJames

James Revill is the Head of the WMD and Space Security Programmes at UNIDIR. His research interests focus on the evolution of regimes dealing with weapons of mass destruction, and he has published widely on this topic. He was previously a Research Fellow with the Harvard Sussex Programme at SPRU, University of Sussex, and completed research fellowships with the Landau Network Volta Centre in Italy and the Bradford Disarmament Research Centre in the UK. He holds a PhD focused on the evolution of the Biological Weapons Convention from the University of Bradford, UK.

James’ areas of expertise include biological weapons, biosecurity, bioterrorism, chemical weapons, chemical terrorism, chemical weapons convention, compliance, verification, and improvised explosive devices.