In seeking fresh ideas for twenty-first century WMD arms control and disarmament, there is value in looking at other regimes for tools and approaches that could be adapted and developed to enhance compliance and enforcement in contemporary WMD-related regimes. To this end, this report comprises a series of short essays that outline tools for treaty compliance or enforcement from regimes dealing with the environment, public health, small arms, international trade, and core international crimes. 

Citation: James Revill, Rebecca Katz, Elena Fasoli, JH Pohl, Einas Mohammed, Himayu Shiotani and Aditya Menon (2021) “Tools for Compliance and Enforcement from Beyond WMD regimes”, WMDCE Series No. 10., UNIDIR Geneva, Switzerland.

Teaser: WMD Compliance and Enforcement Series Paper 10

Sponsor Organizations: The Government of Norway