This report presents the findings from the third in a series of seminars convened within the framework of UNIDIR’s project Framing and Informing Key Issues and Processes Pertinent to the Management of Conventional Ammunition. This seminar took place 20 May 2019 in New York.

This project aims to facilitate dialogue and generate ideas in order to help States to frame key issues and inform them about processes pertinent to conventional ammunition management on which progress can be made at the national, regional and multilateral levels. Elements and findings from this seminar series are relevant to States’ preparations for the open, informal consultations organized within the framework of resolution 72/55, as well as other relevant conventional ammunition management initiatives.

Citation: Manuel Martinez Miralles, Himayu Shiotani, James Bevan and Bob Seddon (2019) "Key Issues and Processes Pertinent to the Management of Conventional Ammunition: Report of the Third Thematic Seminar", UNIDIR, Geneva, Switzerland.


To read the report in Spanish, click here.

Teaser: Report of the Third Thematic Seminar

Sponsor Organizations: Governments of Germany and Switzerland