There is growing attention among the international community on how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can change how Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) activities are conducted. In multilateral discussions, Member States and other stakeholders underline how AI can have both positive and concerning adoptions in the ICT environment. Indeed, AI could support offensive operations by increasing perpetrators’ capabilities to penetrate systems and networks, as well as enhancing defender’s posture in detecting, mitigating and responding to intrusions.
This publication unpacks the AI-ICT security nexus and outlines, through a very easy-to-read, infographic the main current applications of AI for offensive and defensive purposes. To explain AI applications to the ICT environment, this study introduces the UNIDIR’s Intrusion Phases model, which is a framework that identifies three areas where AI can be used: outside the network perimeter, on the network perimeter, and inside the network perimeter.
Citation: Giacomo Persi Paoli, Samuele Dominioni. “Exploring the AI-ICT Security Nexus”. Geneva, Switzerland: UNIDIR, 2024.