Space Security

Enabling the peaceful and sustainable use of outer space.

Life on earth as we know it increasingly depends on space technology. Conflict in space could deny humanity the use of it for ever.

UNIDIR’s Space Security Programme builds knowledge and awareness of the challenges and global security implications relating to the space domain. Our research builds capacity and trust in the international sphere and informs multilateral processes as they grapple with the complex technologies and issues at play in this important arena.

Developing digital tools to help secure our future in space

UNIDIR’s Space Security Portal and Lexicon for Outer Space Security underpin trust in the space domain by facilitating common understandings around risks, policies and practices.

James Revill

James Revill

Head of Programme
Space Security, Weapons of Mass Destruction
Almudena Azcárate Ortega

Almudena Azcárate Ortega

Space Security, Weapons of Mass Destruction
Laetitia Cesari

Laetitia Cesari

Space Security, Weapons of Mass Destruction
Sarah Erickson

Sarah Erickson

Project Coordinator
Space Security, Weapons of Mass Destruction
Ritanshu Lohani

Ritanshu Lohani

Graduate Professional
Space Security
Chelsea Mai

Chelsea Mai

Research Assistant
Space Security, Weapons of Mass Destruction
Erin Pobjie

Erin Pobjie

Space Security