Malicious cyber operations pose a threat to critical infrastructure and thus to the well-being of our societies. Major incidents have the potential to both destabilize States and endanger international peace and security. 

To address the risk of increasingly complex and effective cyber threats aimed at critical infrastructure, the international community uses norms of expected behaviour of States in cyberspace to promote cooperation.

This report investigates the norm – as proposed in 2015 by the United Nations Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security – that urges States to respond to other States’ requests for assistance or mitigation in the event of malicious cyber operations against critical infrastructure.

Citation: Andraz Kastelic (2021) "International Cooperation to Mitigate Cyber Operations Against Critical Infrastructure", UNIDIR, Geneva, Switzerland.


• Arabic: التعاون الدولي للتخفيف من العمليات الإلكترونية التي تمس البنية التحتية الحيوية

• Chinese: 通过国际合作减少针对关键基础设施的网络行动 

• Spanish: Cooperación internacional para mitigar las operaciones cibernéticas contra la infraestructura crítica

Teaser: Normative Expectations and Emerging Good Practices