North-East Asia’s highly sensitive interlocking security dilemmas are of great significance not only for the future of the region itself, but for global security, prosperity, arms control and disarmament. In the past few months alone, the widespread reactions to various announcements have illustrated North-East Asia’s increasing centrality in international security. For example, on 10 February 2005, the DPRK announced a suspension of its participation in the Six-Party Talks. More worrying, although not surprising, the DPRK also declared categorically that it has manufactured nuclear weapons for the purpose of self-defence. Other changes include Japan repealing in December 2004 a 35-year ban on weapons exports, paving the way to pursue a joint missile defence programme with the United States, and China’s recent anti-secession law.

Changing security perceptions and policies, unresolved conflicts and grievances, and concerns about proliferation all are elements that affect the stability of the region as a whole—and have global repercussions. Articles in this issue of Disarmament Forum focus on efforts to stabilize the Korean Peninsula, the issue of missile proliferation and defences, the role of external actors, and regional security policies. The future of the Korean Peninsula, a keystone to the region’s security, is particularly highlighted.

Citation: Kerstin Vignard (ed.) (2005). "Disarmament Forum: North-East Asian Security", UNIDIR, Geneva.

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  • Editor’s note, Kerstin Vignard
  • Special Comment, Kuniko INOGUCHI
  • North-East Asian Security North-East Asia: time to rethink? François GODEMENT
  • In search of strategy: South Korea’s struggle for a new security paradigm, Chung Min LEE
  • The Korean Peninsula and the role of multilateral talks, Charles L. PRITCHARD
  • Missile proliferation and missile defence in North-East Asia, Gu GUOLIANG
  • North-East Asia’s regional security secrets: re-envisaging the Korean crisis, Hazel SMITH
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  • The fight against nuclear weapons proliferation: a critique of the Report of the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change, Grégory BOUTHERIN
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