Challenges and opportunities posed by AI in international peace and security: A conversation with the UNIDIR Women in AI Fellows

In Person (New York), First Committee Side Event
23 October 2024
Challenges and opportunities posed by AI in international peace and security: A conversation with the UNIDIR Women in AI Fellows

The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) and the Permanent Mission of Germany are pleased to invite you to an interactive side event on “Challenges and Opportunities Posed by AI in International Peace and Security”.

This will be a moderated conversation featuring diplomats who participated in the inaugural edition of the Women in AI Fellowship, a knowledge- and capacity- building initiative developed by UNIDIR directed towards women diplomats who are working on AI in the international security domain.

The discussion will address the challenges that AI poses to international peace and security, and will also highlight the opportunities that it presents. Members of the 2024 cohort of the UNIDIR Women in AI Fellowship will share insights that are relevant to the work of UNGA’s First Committee, as well as UNSC work on the Women, Peace and Security agenda.

Questions for discussion include:

  • What are the main risks and challenges that AI pose for international peace and security?
  • How are these risks and challenges being addressed in multilateral discussions?
  • What measures are needed to prevent and/or mitigate AI-related risks in international peace and security?
  • What are the opportunities that AI can bring for international peace and security?
  • What can be done to avoid the risk that AI and technology development will increase geopolitical gaps and augment existing disparities among nations?
  • What are effective ways to ensure women’s meaningful participation in AI career paths, including leadership positions in policy and technical domains?
  • What are key opportunities to bring AI discussions to the Women, Peace and Security agenda?


  • Ambassador Gesa Bräutigam, Special Envoy for Feminist Foreign Policy and Director for Human Rights, Germany
  • Berenice Low, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Singapore to the UN in NY / UNIDIR Women in AI Fellow
  • Miysaa Al Shibli, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Oman to the UN in NY / UNIDIR Women in AI Fellow
  • Szilvia Balázs, Head of Unit – Disarmament & Non-proliferation, Export Control, and Emerging Security Challenges, Hungary / UNIDIR Women in AI Fellow

The discussion will be moderated by Dr. Renata H. Dalaqua, Head of the Gender and Disarmament Programme, UNIDIR.

When and Where:

Wednesday, 23 October, from 13:15-14:30 EDT, in person in CR.D, United Nations Headquarters in New York.


This event will be held in English.


This event is open to Member States representatives, civil society and academics.