This study presents the key findings of the second phase of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) project Tackling Diversion (Phase II): Promoting Regional Dialogue to Enhance Common Understanding and Cooperation to Strengthen End Use/r Control Systems, supporting the practical and effective implementation of the United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (PoA) and the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) as well as relevant regional and subregional instruments. It draws upon the discussions conducted during two regional and one subregional consultative meetings in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean during 2016–2017: Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 21–22 September 2016; Nairobi, Kenya, 6–7 October 2016; and Bangkok, Thailand, 1–2 March 2017. This study also draws upon the results of the UNIDIR survey, which was circulated to all United Nations Member States during the first phase of the project Tackling Diversion (Phase I): Examining Options and Models for Harmonization of End Use/r Control Systems in mid-2015, and re-circulated during project Phase II, as well as desk research.

Citation: Conventional Arms and Ammunition Programme (2017) "Strengthening End Use/r Control Systems to Prevent Arms Diversion: Examining Common Regional Understandings", UNIDIR, Geneva.