Diversion poses a significant threat to societies around the globe, limiting the effectiveness of arms control initiatives and frustrating attempts to catalogue flows of conventional armaments. UNIDIR convened two separate meetings on this topic in Geneva, an initial scoping meeting on 7 August 2018 and an informal expert meeting on 3–4 October 2018.

These meetings brought together representatives of States, NGOs and the private sector. This Brief draws from the inputs provided during these meetings, maps out the key issues identified by participants, and sets out areas for further exploration and study.

Teaser: Preventing Diversion in Conventional Arms Transfers: Exploring Contributions of Industry and Private Sector Actors

Citation: Elli Kytomaki, Himayu Shiotani, Manuel Martínez Miralles, Sebastian Wilkin, and Brian Wood (2019) "Key Issues Brief: Preventing Diversion in Conventional Arms Transfers: Exploring Contributions of Industry and Private Sector Actors", UNIDIR, Geneva. https://doi.org/10.37559/CAAP/19/WAM/01