This joint UNIDIR-UNDP report presents the results of a 1,200-person survey on small arms and security in Sierra Leone. It offers an overview of the post-conflict DDR process, the origins of UNDP's Arms for Development project, and the findings of the survey at the national and district levels.
A detailed retrospective is also provided on the design and conduct of the survey itself in order to see how such activities might be improved. An appeal is made for the development of a more rigorous and systematic approach to learning about local security problems as they are understood by the stakeholders themselves. Some first thoughts on how this might be accomplished are provided. The analysis concludes with a road map for future voluntary collection efforts to stimulate discussion and provide guidance.
From Research to Road Map will be of great interest to those concerned with the security of Sierra Leone and its bordering countries, with the link between small arms and development, and with efforts to make small arms and security programming appropriate to culturally distinct communities.
Citation: Derek B. Miller, Daniel Ladouceur and Zoe Dugal (2006). "From Research to Road Map: Learning from the Arms for Development Initiative in Sierra Leone", UNIDIR, Geneva.