This issue of Disarmament Forum explores how to engage non-state armed groups in disarmament processes. How do these groups obtain weapons—be they small arms or less conventional weapons—and how can they be effectively engaged in disarmament processes? Can the international system deal with NSAGs? The current legal complexities of NSAGs are examined, as is the recent practice of creating terrorist blacklists and targeted sanctions. Diplomatic means of disarmament—such as engagement and mediation—are also considered, as are pre-emptive and preventive measures to counter the threat posed by those more extreme groups that seek to obtain weapons of mass destruction. 

Citation: Kerstin Vignard (ed.) (2008). "Disarmament Forum: Engaging Non-State Armed Groups", UNIDIR, Geneva.

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  • Editor’s note, Kerstin Vignard
  • Special Comment, Ambassador Clemencia Forero Ucros
  • Weapons to non-state armed groups—back to Westphalia? Robbie Sabel
  • Engaging non-state armed groups or listing terrorists? Implications for the arms control community, Nicolas Florquin and Elisabeth Decrey Warner 
  • Engaging non-state armed groups in disarmament, Julian Thomas Hottinger
  • Dealing with the threat posed by non-state armed groups aspiring to weapons of mass destruction, Mustafa Kibaroglu 
  • Weapon transfers to non-state armed groups, Chris Smit
  • UNIDIR focus