After a period of being overlooked by many in the international community, Central Asia is once again at the centre of many security and development issues. While some refer to a renaissance of the Great Game, others stress the very contemporary security challenges faced by the region. A region rich in resources, it is also a region of fragile states, disputed borders, resource conflicts and trans-regional threats. "Central Asia at the Crossroads" explores regional security interests, border and natural resource issues, small arms stockpiles, and sources of internal instability and conflict. It looks at how external influences are affecting the conflicting drives among Central Asian states to compete, or to cooperate, to resolve their security challenges.

Citation: Kerstin Vignard (ed.) (2007). "Disarmament Forum: Central Asia at the Crossroads", UNIDIR, Geneva.

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  • Editor’s note, Kerstin Vignard
  • Strategic concerns in Central Asia, Martha Brill Olcott
  • Central Asia: regional security and WMD proliferation threats, Togzhan Kassenova
  • Denuclearization of Central Asia, Jozef Goldblat
  • Risks to security in Central Asia: an assessment from a small arms perspective, Christina Wille 
  • The governance of Central Asian waters: national interests versus regional cooperation, Jeremy Allouche 
  • The Proliferation Security Initiative: advancing commitment and capacity for WMD interdictions, Monika Heupel
  • UNIDIR focus