This report provides a short summary of the 2021 edition of UNIDIR’s Cyber Stability Conference (CS2021) held in Geneva on 3 December 2021 The event focused on discussing the progress of the two multilateral United Nations (UN) processes on cyberspace, namely the Group of Governmental Experts on Advancing responsible State behaviors in cyberspace in the context of international security (GGE) and the Open-Ended Working Group in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security (OEWG). The conference convened representatives from government, industry, and civil society to reflect on how we could build on past successes to advance the agenda for an open, secure, stable, accessible, and peaceful ICT environment.

Citation: Samuele Dominioni (2022) "Cyber Stability Conference: Towards a More Secure Cyberspace - 2021 Conference Report", UNIDIR, Geneva, Switzerland.