UNODA-UNIDIR Cyber Diplomacy Course  

In person (New York) and online, OEWG side event
20 February 2025
UNODA-UNIDIR Cyber Diplomacy Course  

The second edition of the Cyber Diplomacy Course, available to the public on the Disarmament Education Dashboard since 2019, reflects the latest developments in multilateral discussions on information and communications technologies (ICTs). This updated course covers essential topics in cyber diplomacy, such as emerging threats to international security, the role of international law in cyberspace, rules and norms for responsible State behaviour, confidence-building measures and international cooperation for capacity-building. 

This event will also offer an overview of both the UNODA Disarmament Education Dashboard and UNIDIR’s digital tools, designed to support and deepen understanding of disarmament-related security issues. By combining efforts, UNODA and UNIDIR aim to equip future cyber diplomats with a strong foundation for ongoing discussions, providing interactive sessions and practical resources to support their work. 


Opening remarks

  • Izumi Nakamitsu, High Representative for Disarmament Affairs


  • Ambassador Burhan Gafoor, Permanent Representative of Singapore to the United Nations in New York and Chair of the UN Open-Ended Working Group on security of and in the use of information and communications technologies 2021-25

Cyber Diplomacy Course overview

  • Virginia Browning, Associate Political Affairs Officer, UNODA 

Disarmament Education Dashboard

  • Veerle Moyson, Project and Research Coordinator, UNODA Vienna 

UNIDIR digital tools

  • Lenka Filipová, Coordinator, Security and Technology Programme, UNIDIR 

This panel will be moderated by Dr Giacomo Persi Paoli, Head, Security and Technology Programme, UNIDIR

An interactive Q&A session with the audience will follow. 

When and where

Thursday, 20 February 2025, 13:15-14:30 ET, UNHQ Conference Room 9, New York, and online.


We welcome OEWG delegations and other interested stakeholders including industry, civil society, and intergovernmental organizations.

Kindly note that UNIDIR is not able to grant access to the UN Headquarters for those who are not already in possession of the UN accreditation.


Please register by Wednesday, 19 February 2025. You are kindly requested to specify if you will be attending in person or remotely. Early registration is encouraged.

Online access details will be emailed to registered participants one day prior.

Further information

For questions, please contact

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