Technology Breakfast: Navigating the Technological Landscape of Microchips

Side Event to the UN OEWG-ITC, Online
9 July 2024
Technology Breakfast: Navigating the Technological Landscape of Microchips

The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) is pleased to invite you to the Technology Breakfast on Navigating the Technological Landscape of Microchips, a side event to the United Nations Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on security of and in the use of information and communications technologies (ICTs).

Advancements in technology areas such as nanotechnology, microchips, cloud computing, and 5G are reshaping the digital landscape and driving innovation in information and communications technologies (ICTs), artificial intelligence (AI), and autonomous systems. While progress has been made in addressing the security implications of ICTs and AI, less focus has been on the underlying technologies driving their development. To bridge this gap, UNIDIR is organizing a series of technology breakfasts to explore the international security implications of specific enabling technologies, building on research insights from the Enabling Technologies and International Security: A Compendium (2023 Edition).

The second session of this series will delve into the latest developments in microchip technology. Microchips are fundamental to modern electronics and computing systems, performing critical functions such as information processing, data storage, and instruction execution. Recent innovations in semiconductor materials, chip design, and production methods are enabling the creation of increasingly compact and efficient devices. 

These advancements hold significant potential for future AI applications but equally pose risks for international security, particularly concerning supply chain vulnerabilities, the dual-use nature of the technology, and cybersecurity threats. With the aim of providing participants with an overview of microchip technology and its relevant applications, the briefing will commence with an introduction to UNIDIR’s research findings, followed by a presentation from an expert speaker, and conclude with an interactive Q&A session with the audience.


  • Suchi Srinivasan, Managing Director and Partner, Boston Consulting Group
  • Wenting He, Associate Researcher, Security and Technology Programme, UNIDIR

When and Where

9 July 2024, 8:30-9:30 EDT, online (via Webex). Please consult this website to find your local time.


We welcome representatives from Member State delegations, as well as members of the multi-stakeholder community including industry, civil society, academia, and intergovernmental organizations.


Please register for the event here by Monday 8 July 2024. The link to access the event will be emailed to registered participants one day prior to the session.

For more information, please send an email to