Taking Stock of Biological Weapons Convention National Implementation

In Person (Geneva) and Online, Side Event to the BWC Working Group Meeting
23 August 2024
Taking Stock of Biological Weapons Convention National Implementation

Under Article IV of the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention, States Parties are obliged to take any necessary measures to prohibit and prevent biological weapons at the national level. On the first anniversary of the launch of the UNIDIR-VERTIC Database on National Implementation Measures of the BWC, UNIDIR and VERTIC are organising a lunchtime event on BWC national implementation at the fourth meeting of the Working Group to strengthen the Biological Weapons Convention.

This event will bring together scholars and diplomats to provide an overview of trends in national implementation and explore challenges and opportunities to advance the implementation of the BWC. The event will begin with a moderated discussion among experts before a Q&A session with the audience. A light lunch will be offered to participants prior to the event.


M. James Revill, Head of the WMD Programme (UNIDIR) – Welcome remarks
Dr. Sonia Drobysz, Senior Researcher (UNIDIR) – Overview of BWC national implementation
Miss Athikarn Bell Dilogwathana, Counsellor (Permanent Mission of Thailand) – Experience with national implementation of the BWC and the role of national authorities

When and Where

Friday, 23 August 2024, 13:15 to 14:45 CEST, in Room XXII, Palais des Nations, UN Geneva and online.


We encourage the participation of State representatives and experts working on or interested in issues pertaining to the national implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention.


In-person participants: do not need to RSVP. Please note the organizers are not able to grant access to the Palais des Nations to those who do not hold a UN ground pass or accreditation. 

Online participants: please register here to get the link to the event.

For any questions, please contact Louison Mazeaud (louison.mazeaud@un.org)