Launch of a Study of Voluntary Transparency Initiatives in the Framework of the Biological Weapons Convention

In Person (Geneva), Side Event to the BWC Working Group Meeting
20 August 2024
Launch of a Study of Voluntary Transparency Initiatives in the Framework of the Biological Weapons Convention

For over a decade, BWC States Parties have explored tools to increase transparency and build confidence in the framework of the Convention. As part of this process, several voluntary transparency initiatives have been undertaken, including a number of peer review exercises.

Peer review initiatives are not a substitute for verification, nor are they intended to replace CBMs. However, they can play an important role in strengthening the BWC. Moreover, taking stock of such initiatives can contribute to ongoing discussions in the Working Group on the Strengthening of the BWC.  

UNIDIR, in coordination with UNODA, has developed a new report on “Voluntary Transparency Initiatives: The Case of Peer Review Exercises in the Context of the BWC”. The study focuses on the peer review exercises carried out by States Parties since 2011 in the framework of the BWC.

The event will present the findings of the study, including the evolution of such measures, their key elements, as well as reflections on the benefits and limitations of these initiatives and some of lessons learned from the various activities. The presentation will be followed by an interactive Q&A session with the audience.


  • Opening Remarks: Amb. Lotte Knudsen, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations and other international organisations in Geneva
  • Speaker: Dr María J. Espona, author of the report
  • Moderator: Dr James Revill, Head of the WMD Programme at UNIDIR
  • Q&A session

When and Where

Tuesday, 20 August 2024, 13:15 to 14:45 CEST, in Room XXII, Palais des Nations, UN Geneva.


UNIDIR encourages the participation of State representatives and experts working on or interested in issues pertaining to the BWC.


Participants do not need to register. For any questions, please contact Ms. María Garzón Maceda: