Forging a Path Towards a WMD-Free Middle East: The WMD-Free Zone Compass

Hybrid (Geneva and Online), Side Event to NPT PrepCom
24 July 2024
Forging a Path Towards a WMD-Free Middle East: The WMD-Free Zone Compass

This event, hosted by UNIDIR and the European Union, saw the launch of the Middle East WMD-Free Zone Project’s new online tool, the Middle East WMD-Free Zone Compass: Mapping Official Statements.

This side event to the Second Session of Preparatory Committee for the 2026 NPT Review Conference featured opening remarks by UNIDIR Director Dr. Robin Geiss and EU Special Envoy for Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Ambassador Stephan Klement, followed by a presentation from the project team and a discussion with senior diplomats and experts. Panellists included: 

  • M. Almuntaser Albalawi, Researcher, Middle East WMD-Free Zone Project, UNIDIR
  • M. Mohamed Gamal Ahmed Elghitany, Counsellor, ‎Permanent Mission of Egypt, Geneva
  • Ambassador Adam Scheinman, Special Representative of the President for Nuclear Nonproliferation, United States of America 

The event was moderated by UNIDIR Head of Project Dr. Chen Zak Kane.

Event Recording

When and Where

Room XXV, Palais des Nations, UN Geneva, from 1:15pm to 2:30pm CEST.