UNIDIR is delighted to announce that Disarmament Forum is celebrating its 10-year anniversary.
For the past decade Disarmament Forum has been an accessible and informative tool, offering
expert analysis and creative thinking to a broad audience. Each issue has brought together unique perspectives on topics as diverse as fissile materials and nuclear terrorism, and the role of civil society in disarmament issues.

This issue, “Ideas for Peace and Security”, departs from our traditional format to offer a collection of short, forward-looking contributions focusing on a single idea for building security, promoting disarmament or a more peaceful world. The experts participating in this issue are selected from a range of disciplines and backgrounds. Each one brings unique expertise and vision to this endeavour. While we acknowledge that there is no single solution to the range of security challenges facing humanity today, we firmly believe that creative ideas to address distinct security problems will be the building blocks of a more secure future for all humankind.

Citation: Kerstin Vignard (ed.) (2009). "Disarmament Forum: Ideas for Peace and Security", UNIDIR, Geneva.

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  • Editor’s note, Kerstin Vignard
  • Special Comment, Theresa Hitchens
  • Arms control: forever Cinderella? Alyson J.K. Bailes
  • Getting the Conference on Disarmament back to substantive work: food for thought, UNIDIR
  • Learn, adapt, succeed: potential lessons from the Ottawa and Oslo processes for other disarmament and arms control challenges, John Borrie, Maya Brehm, Silvia Cattaneo,and David Atwood
  • Creating a human rights standard for the Arms Trade Treaty, Clare da Silva
  • Amending the non-proliferation regime, Jozef Goldblat
  • Dual-use education for life scientists?, Malcolm Dando
  • At the crossroads: the necessity for “rules of the road” for space, Alex Karl
  • Disarmament education: a building block for our children’s future, Kerstin Vignard
  • UNIDIR focus