This issue of Disarmament Forum examines the relationship between human rights and human security. Human security and human rights share common values, and a discussion of one demands consideration of the other. It has been argued that human rights offer the conceptual and normative framework for implementing the concept of human security and that opportunities exist to build upon the fundamental connections between the two areas to strengthen this synergistic relationship. Others are more cautious, fearing that ‘folding’ human rights—a body of norms codified in international law—into the ‘new’ concept of human security could seriously weaken or minimize the importance of the human rights regime. This issue of Disarmament Forum explores these themes, as well as the links between human rights and WMD, the challenges of measuring human security, small arms control as a human rights issue, and a review of the existing human rights mechanisms from a human security perspective.

Citation: Kerstin Vignard (ed.) (2004). "Disarmament Forum: Human Rights, Human Security and Disarmament", UNIDIR, Geneva.

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  • Editor’s note, Kerstin Vignard
  • Special Comment, Mary Robinson
  • Human security, human rights and disarmament, Kevin Boyle and Sigmund Simonsen
  • Challenges and opportunities for defining and measuring human security, Taylor Owen
  • Weapons of mass destruction and human rights, Peter Weiss and John Burroughs
  • Small arms and light weapons: the tools used to violate human rights, Barbara A. Frey
  • Human rights monitoring and armed conflict: challenges for the UN, Michael O’Flaherty
  • Human rights ‘lite’? Thoughts on human security, David Petrasek
  • UNIDIR Focus