In the run-up to the second iteration of the Responsible AI in the Military Domain (REAIM) Summit, to be held in Seoul, Republic of Korea, on 9-10 September 2024, the Governments of the Republic of Korea and the Netherlands organized, in partnership with Chile, Costa Rica, Kenya, Singapore and Türkiye, a series of five regional consultations on responsible artificial intelligence in the military domain.

This report captures UNIDIR’s main reflections on the key takeaways stemming from the five regional consultations. These consultations did indeed enable the dissection of local contexts, realities and approaches with regard to the responsible development, deployment and use of AI in the military and wider security domains – including the identification of areas of nuanced convergence and divergence at the regional level.

Specifically, this report first discusses the reflections shared by States on the unique characteristics of AI technologies and the opportunities that they provide in the military domain. In addition, States also discussed and exchanged views on the risks, challenges and implications stemming from the development, deployment and use of AI in the military and wider security domains. The report then covers six points of convergence that have emerged from the consultations, along with five main points of divergence observed across and within regions.