Strengthening Biological Weapons Convention Participation Through Education: Launch of the Advanced BWC Education Programme

In Person (Geneva) and Online, Side Event to the BWC Working Group Meeting
21 August 2024
Strengthening Biological Weapons Convention Participation Through Education: Launch of the Advanced BWC Education Programme

At this side event to the fourth meeting of the Working Group to strengthen the Biological Weapons Convention, UNIDIR, DIPLO and FRS launched a new advanced BWC education programme designed for government officials and experts from across different disciplines working on issues related to the BWC. 

This course is being designed to equip key stakeholders with essential knowledge, skills, and expertise to actively engage in the BWC diplomatic processes, with the underlying objective of contributing to strengthening the BWC. 

The event consisted of a short overview of the advanced course and the process of recruiting geographically and gender representative fellows, before opening the floor to discussion on aspects of the course.

Event Recording

When and Where

Wednesday, 21 August 2024, 13:15 to 14:00 CEST, in Room XXII, Palais des Nations, UN Geneva and online.