This latest report from UNIDIR's Managing Exits from Armed Conflict (MEAC) project series Research into Action examines how feminist activism influenced the peace negotiations between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia- People's Army, leading to the historic 2016 peace agreement, which includes over 120 gender equality provisions.

Despite these national commitments, Colombian feminists continue to face significant challenges at the local level, where gender inequality and security threats against women persist. Drawing on lived experiences from Cauca, Colombia, the authors explore how feminists have localized global Women, Peace and Security agendas to influence local institutions. This report highlights innovative strategies used to advance gender equality and create a more inclusive, sustainable peace.

Citation:  Agnieszka Fal-Dutra Santos, Sonia Cardona, Francy Jaramillo, “Taking Peace into Our own Hands: Colombian Feminists Use Local Politics to Advance their Agenda for Peace,” MEAC Research into Action, UNIDIR, Geneva, 2024.