Helping Geneva’s Newly Arrived Disarmament Diplomats Get Their Bearings

15 July 2024
Helping Geneva’s Newly Arrived Disarmament Diplomats Get Their Bearings

Every year, a new cohort of diplomats arrive in Geneva to take up postings that cover key disarmament and arms control issues. The UNIDIR-UNODA Disarmament Orientation Course provides them with the knowledge and understanding they need to navigate this increasingly complex field. 

For some, it may be the first time that disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation form part of their portfolio. Others take on these issues alongside a wide range of other multilateral topics, which can be particularly challenging for Member States with less capacity and without a dedicated mission to the Conference on Disarmament. The many and various disarmament-related fora in Geneva also follow particular rules and practices that can be difficult to decipher for newcomers. On top of all this, diplomats need immediately to get up to speed on the latest developments and to build up expert knowledge in areas as diverse and technical as space security, conventional arms control and biological weapons.

Since 2019, the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) and the Geneva branch of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) have been conducting an annual Disarmament Orientation Course precisely to meet these needs – and to help level the playing field. This year’s edition will take place from 16 to 26 September 2024 at the Palais des Nations.

Over the course of two weeks, five in-depth modules address current trends and developments in key thematic topics, including weapons of mass destruction, conventional weapons, space, missiles, information and communications technology, artificial intelligence, lethal autonomous weapon systems and cybersecurity, as well as  cross-cutting topics such as gender, inclusivity and youth.

As every year, the 2024 UNIDIR-UNODA Disarmament Orientation Course aims to promote an enhanced understanding of relevant disarmament and arms control concepts, issues and mechanisms; to increase levels of participation in Geneva-based processes and discussions; and to foster relationships of trust within the Geneva-based disarmament community.

To find our more about the Disarmament Orientation Course, visit the UNIDIR Academy