Interagency cooperation is critical in fulfilling the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) provisions. It enables the effective domestication and implementation of the Treaty provisions and is vital in order for States Parties to ensure responsible and transparent international transfers of conventional arms. In January 2024, UNIDIR, Stimson Center and Conflict Armament Research organized a brainstorming workshop on the topic in support of Romania’s presidency of the Tenth Conference of States Parties to the ATT (ATT CSP10). This side event will provide a platform to share some of the key discussion points and findings from the workshop on the challenges and opportunities of interagency cooperation for ATT implementation. It will also provide an opportunity for the ATT CSP10 President to present his draft working paper and solicit reflections and comments from all ATT stakeholders to support the elaboration of a constructive and impactful presidency thematic paper.
- Ambassador Răzvan Rusu, President of ATT CSP10
- Rachel Stohl, Stimson Center
- Himayu Shiotani, Conflict Armament Research
- Dr. Paul Holtom, UNIDIR
February 22, 2024 | 13:15-14:45 CET | Room E, Geneva International Conference Centre (CICG)
For any questions or further queries please contact Matthew Currie (
The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), Conflict Armament Research (CAR), and the Stimson Center are engaged in a research Consortium since 2019 aimed at increasing knowledge and strengthening shared understanding on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) to support its effective implementation. In 2024, the Consortium is facilitating dialogue events on “The role of interagency cooperation in effective implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty provisions”, in support of Romania’s Presidency of the Tenth Conference of States Parties (CSP10) to the ATT.