Gender Matters in the APMBC: Taking Stock of Progress and Looking Ahead

In-Person - Geneva
21 November 2023
Gender Matters in the APMBC: Taking Stock of Progress and Looking Ahead

Gender and other factors, such as age, influence the likelihood of becoming a landmine victim, and the ability to access medical attention, long-term reintegration, risk education and mine awareness resources. Co-hosted by the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), UNIDIR and the Permanent Mission of Germany, this side event will explore these linkages between gender and mine action, highlighting concrete examples from the field.

Speakers will also reflect on how these issues have translated into normative instruments guiding the implementation of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC), specifically taking stock of the gender-related action points of the Oslo Action Plan. Finally, speakers will propose ideas on how to sustain gains and consolidate gender mainstreaming in the next APMBC Action Plan.

The event will mark the launch of a new UNIDIR report “Beyond Oslo: Taking Stock of Gender and Diversity Mainstreaming in the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention”, as well as a GICHD-UNIDIR Factsheet on “Gender and Diversity in the APMBC”.


Welcoming Remarks

  • Dr. Benedikt Zanker, Head of Division – Conventional Disarmament, Preventive Arms Control, German Federal Foreign Office


  • Dominic Wolsey, Advisor – Gender & Diversity, Inclusive Risk Reduction, GICHD
  • Dr. Renata H. Dalaqua, Head of the Gender and Disarmament Programme, UNIDIR
  • Álvaro Alejandro Gómez Ocampo, Permanent Mission of Colombia

Closing Remarks

  • Tep Kallyan, Deputy Secretary General of the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA)


  • Dr. Irmgard Adam, Permanent Mission of Germany

*Additional panellists to be announced.


21 November 2023, 13.15-14.45 CET, Room XIX, Palais des Nations, Geneva.