Technology and Security Seminar on Synthetic Data: Exploring Governance Implications

Online, First Committee Side Event
29 October 2024
Technology and Security Seminar on Synthetic Data: Exploring Governance Implications

Data serves as the foundational resource for artificial intelligence (AI). While demand for vast, high-quality datasets grows in tandem with AI’s integration across domains, issues over data availability and scarcity have come to the fore, limiting the potential of “data-centric AI”. Synthetic data – artificially generated data that mimics real-world data – has been touted as a potential solution to address these solutions.

Synthetic data holds particular promise in the military domain, where data scarcity is acute, but where data is in increasing demand as interest in AI-enabled military capabilities grow. However, uncertainty remains over the security and governance implications of the use of synthetic data. As AI governance in the civilian and military domains takes shape, the question of data should be central. Given the potential security implications of synthetic data and the any governance and regulatory questions surrounding its use, it is paramount that we achieve a clearer understanding of how synthetic data fits into ongoing discussions and the wider data governance toolbox.

In this context, UNIDIR’s Security and Technology Programme, with the support of the European Union, is organizing a Technology and Security Seminar on synthetic data to explore the implications of this important enabling technology for international security and governance. This half-day event will consist of a Technology Breakfast, serving as an introduction to the technology for policy makers, as well as a Multistakeholder Dialogue on synthetic data where experts from industry, government, international organizations and academia will convene to share views on the technology’s governance challenges and potential policy actions.

Where and When

Tuesday, 29 October 2024, from 09:00-12:00 EDT, online.

Please consult this website to find your local time.


09:00 – 09:10: Introductory remarks

09:10 – 10:10: Technology Breakfast on Synthetic Data and International Security

10:10 – 10:30: Break

10:30 – 12:00: Multistakeholder Dialogue on Synthetic Data: What Opportunities and Challenges for International Governance

*A complete list of speakers will be communicated in due course.


We welcome representatives from Member State delegations, as well as members of the multistakeholder community including industry, civil-society, academia and intergovernmental organizations.


Please register here (via Microsoft Forms), by Monday 28 October 2024. The link to access the event will be emailed to registered participants prior to the seminar.

Registration is mandatory for participation. Please contact if you have any questions.

In partnership with

The European Union