Gender Matters in the Convention on Cluster Munitions: Taking Stock of the Implementation of the Lausanne Action Plan

In Person (Geneva), Side Event to CCM 12MSP
12 September 2024
Gender Matters in the Convention on Cluster Munitions: Taking Stock of the Implementation of the Lausanne Action Plan

UNIDIR, Belgium, Germany and the Mine Action Gender and Diversity Working Group are pleased to invite you to a side event on “Gender Matters in the Convention on Cluster Munitions: Taking Stock of the Implementation of the Lausanne Action Plan”.

Gender and other factors, such as age, influence the likelihood of becoming a cluster munition victim, and the ability to access medical attention, long-term reintegration, risk education and reduction. Gender also shapes opportunities related to employment in mine action and participation in disarmament diplomacy.

This side event will explore how these issues have informed normative instruments guiding the implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM), specifically taking stock of the gender, diversity and inclusion action points of the Lausanne Action Plan. Speakers will also propose ideas on how to sustain gains and consolidate gender mainstreaming in the CCM.

The event will serve as an opportunity to discuss the working paper “Taking stock of gender, diversity and inclusion in the Convention on Cluster Munitions: a mid-point review of the implementation of the Lausanne Action Plan”, submitted by Belgium, Germany and UNIDIR to the 12th Meeting of States Parties.

When and Where

Thursday, 12 September 2024, from 15:00 to 16:30 CEST, Room XIX, Palais des Nations, Geneva.


UNIDIR, the Permeant Mission of Belgium, the Permanent Mission of Germany and the Mine Action Gender and Diversity Working Group.


The organizers encourage the participation of all State representatives, representatives of international and regional organizations as well as civil society representatives.


Welcoming Remarks

  • Ambassador Francisca Méndez Escobar, President of the 12th Meeting of States Parties


  • Dr Irmgard Adam, Permanent Mission of Germany and CCM Gender Focal Point
  • Lt. Col. Charbel Njeim, Head of Operations, Lebanon Mine Action Centre
  • Lucy Pinches, Project Manager, Mine Action Review
  • Baturu Camara, Permanent Mission of The Gambia to the UN in Geneva

 Moderated by Dr Renata H. Dalaqua, Head of Gender and Disarmament programme, UNIDIR