UNIDIR-UNITAR Security and Technology Summer Course

The overall objective of the UNIDIR-UNITAR Summer Course in Security and Technology is to leverage both institutions’ unique set of expertise in creating innovative training programmes addressing the need for capacity building in normative frameworks in the context of emerging technologies and international security, with a specific focus on the intersection between international law, voluntary norms of State behaviour, information and communications technologies, and artificial intelligence.

The course is primarily at diplomats and policymakers from least developed countries and small-island developing states.

It was a really informative course, and we had a great time. I would like to thank all the teachers and facilitators! (Summer Course 2022 participant)

This course utilises a modular approach, with each training component able to function as an independent activity, together providing a holistic training on the normative frameworks surrounding emerging technologies and international security. It promotes an interactive approach through lessons and multimedia material, stimulating critical thinking. Each module has its own learning objectives, as well as interactive online lessons, which guide participants through the contents.

The Security and Technology Summer Course was last held between 5 and 18 September 2022, with eight UNIDIR experts delivering 16 interactive lectures and four workshops over the course of two weeks.