The Roundtable for AI, Security, and Ethics (RAISE) is the neutral, trusted and independent platform for inclusive, cross-regional and multisectoral engagement on artificial intelligence (AI) in security and defence.
The rapid advancement of AI technologies lies at the forefront of global policy discussions. Policymakers and regulators worldwide are recognizing the urgency of shared understandings, norms and regulations that transcend national borders and geopolitical competition.
To address this challenge, UNIDIR – in partnership with Microsoft – launched RAISE in early 2024 with the aim to foster multistakeholder dialogue on AI in security and defense. By convening experts and thought leaders from diverse backgrounds, including industry, academia, civil society and government, RAISE promotes open dialogue and cooperation to address the complex implications of AI for national, regional and global security and resilience.
RAISE is more than just a platform for discussion; it is a catalyst for action. We seek to lay the foundation for robust global AI governance grounded in cooperation, transparency and mutual learning. Our goal is to foster and facilitate compliance with ethical norms and applicable laws, ultimately safeguarding our collective security, safety and resilience in an era of unprecedented technological advancement.
Global Conference on AI, Security and Ethics
Under the RAISE umbrella, UNIDIR is launching its first annual Global Conference on AI, Security and Ethics to address the complex implications of AI for national, regional and global security and resilience. The conference will take place on 27-28 March in Geneva and will bring together the diplomatic community, as well as experts from the military, industry, academia, civil society organizations and research labs.