Tim Caughley

Senior Fellow
  • timothy.caughley@un.org
  • @tcaughley

Tim Caughley (New Zealand) is currently a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at UNIDIR, and also chairs New Zealand’s Committee on International Humanitarian Law.

Tim’s UNIDIR publications include collaborations on humanitarian impacts and risks of nuclear weapons that underpinned the negotiation of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. His recent publications include Calculating Nuclear Risk.

Tim was the instigator and initial coordinator of UNIDIR’s Diplomatic Disarmament Orientation Programme. Prior to his attachment to UNIDIR, Tim was the director of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs in Geneva, overseeing Geneva-based disarmament issues (April 2006—February 2009). He was concurrently the Deputy Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament. Previously, Tim was Permanent Representative of New Zealand to the United Nations in Geneva and Ambassador for Disarmament (February 2002—March 2006). His other postings were in London, Kuala Lumpur, and Rarotonga. During his final assignment in Wellington, Tim was International Legal Adviser in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. He has an LL.B and law professional practising qualifications from Victoria University of Wellington.