Pavel Mraz

Researcher Security and Technology

Pavel is a cybersecurity practitioner, researcher and former diplomat with a decade of experience in UN peace and international security negotiations across government, academia and the private sector. In his current role as a researcher (cybersecurity) within the Security and Technology Programme at UNIDIR, Pavel focuses on delivery of cyber capacity building and research related on the evolving cyber threat landscape, UN cyber processes and technology governance issues.

Prior to joining UNIDIR, Pavel worked with the Cybersecurity Tech Accord and Microsoft’s Digital Diplomacy team, supporting private sector engagement with the UN on cyber diplomacy, cybercrime and digital issues. Pavel has also served as a Cyber Policy Coordinator at the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, representing the Czech Republic in the UN Open-Ended Working Group on ICT security, at the ITU, and in other multilateral digital governance fora. He has also worked as an adviser for international peace, security and disarmament at the Czech Permanent Missions to the UN in Geneva and New York.

Before joining public service, Pavel taught courses in international security at the Graduate Institute of Geneva during his PhD studies. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts & Humanities and a master’s degree in International Security.