Luiza Delaflora Cassol

Research Assistant Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • luiza.delafloracassol

Luiza is a Research Assistant at UNIDIR’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Programme.

Her areas of expertise and research interests include international security, disarmament, WMD, nuclear disarmament verification, foreign policy and political psychology.

Luiza holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Master’s degree in International Relations from the Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil. Her Master’s thesis focused on the impact of threat perception on policy efforts related to the Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action.

Before joining UNIDIR, Luiza worked as a Graduate Research Assistant for the Research Group on State Capacity, Security and Defence (GECAP) in Brazil and as an Executive Content Coordinator for Paralelo 33, a podcast analysing the Global South from decolonial and feminist perspectives.