Julia Palik

Fellow Conventional Arms and Ammunition, Gender and Disarmament
  • julia.drpalik@un.org
  • @juliapalik1

Dr. Julia Palik is a residential fellow in the Gender and Disarmament and Conventional Arms and Ammunition Programmes at UNIDIR, and a Senior Researcher at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). She conducts research on disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) programs’ impact on peace, as well as the gendered aspects of these programs.

Julia is a member of the Integrated DDR Training Group which is aimed at increasing the coordination and exchanges between research, policy, training, and practice in the field of DDR. She holds a PhD in Political Science from Corvinus University Budapest and she has been a visiting scholar at the University of Oslo. Currently, Julia is leading a 3.5-year-long research project on the relationship between disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) programs and conflict recurrence, financed by the Norwegian Research Council. She provided consultancy to FAO, Save the Children, and various other UN bodies and conducted fieldwork in the Philippines, Malaysia, Uganda, and Saudi Arabia.

Julia speaks English, German, and Hungarian.