What are the key challenges facing the implementation of the PoA and the ITI? How can RevCon4 be used to overcome these small arms and light weapons (SALW) control challenges?
Between May and September 2023, the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) co-organized a series of expert seminars to bring a diverse group of experts from Member States, United Nations entities, regional and international organizations, specialized non-governmental organizations, civil society, and the private sector together to discuss critical issues in SALW control. These discussions, which covered new technologies, national ownership, international cooperation and assistance, and the linkages between SALW and sustainable development, identified actionable steps that States could consider at RevCon4 to advance PoA/ITI implementation.
Following those discussions, UNIDIR produced a report outlining the key findings and recommendations with the aim to help States and other stakeholders to better prepare for RevCon4. This side event will launch the report and provide expert insights into the multifaceted challenges and opportunities in SALW control, with a particular focus on five key areas from the seminar:
- Strengthening national ownership
- Enhancing international cooperation and assistance
- Integrating SALW control into development processes through practical approaches
- Ensuring inclusive approaches for SALW control
- Addressing new technologies and innovation
Opening Remarks:
- Amb. Maritza Chan Valverde, President Designate of the Fourth Review Conference
- European Union (tbc)
Presentation of the Seminar Report:
- Dr. Paul Holtom, Head of the Conventional Arms and Ammunition Programme, UNIDIR.
Civil Society Perspectives:
- Johnson Asante-Twum, Managing Director, IANSA
Closing Remarks and Moderation:
- Ivor Fung, Chief of the Conventional Arms Branch, UNODA
15 February 2024 | 13.15-14.30 EST | UN HQ New York, conference room B
UNIDIR encourages the participation of representatives and experts of States, regional organizations, NGOs and civil society registered to attend the preparatory committee meeting of the PoA RevCon4.
Please kindly note that UNIDIR is not able to grant access to the United Nations Headquarters for those who are not already in possession of the UN accreditation.
For more information, please contact Laurie Mincieli (mincielil@un.org).
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