The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) is organizing its flagship event, the Outer Space Security Conference, which will take place on 10-11 September 2024. This unique forum brings together the diplomatic community, experts from military, industry, and academic backgrounds to discuss and address challenges and solutions related to space security. This year, UNIDIR in partnership with the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) is launching the OS24 Youth Video Competition. The OS24 youth video competition will give younger generations and future leaders a chance to actively participate in this important event.

The Outer Space Treaty, the pillar of space law, states that space activities are to be carried out for the benefit and the interests of all countries, irrespective of economic and scientific development. This principle emphasizes inclusion and diverse representation. Through this competition, UNIDIR and CIGI aim to incorporate youth perspectives into the agenda, highlighting the importance of youth participation in multilateral space security discussions. Selected finalists will be invited to attend the Outer Space Security Conference in-person, through a funded trip to Geneva, Switzerland.


UNIDIR invites people aged 18-25 from all over the world to submit a short 1-3 minute video on the theme: “Why does space security matter to you? – Keeping outer space secure and sustainable”. This competition seeks to:

  • Promote youth inclusion in space security discussions.
  • Highlight diverse perspectives on the importance of maintaining a secure and sustainable outer space.
  • Engage young minds in multilateral space security efforts.


  • Theme: Why does space security matter to you? Keeping outer space secure and sustainable.
  • Video Length: 1 to 3 minutes.
  • Submission Deadline: 21 July 2024.
  • How to submit: Applicants must fill out the following form by 21 July 2024.
  • Contact: Please contact for relevant queries or in case of technical difficulties.


  • Open to individuals worldwide aged 18-25.
  • Only one submission per person.
  • The video must be an original work created by the applicant.

Technical Requirements

  • Video file submissions must be in an .mp4 format.
  • The film must contain all the corresponding audio, video, and subtitles in a single file.
  • Videos may be created in any language. For videos not in the English language, English closed captioning must be inserted.
  • Videos should be compliant with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to copyright regulations. Only original content should be submitted, and applicants may not use content in their videos that someone else owns the copyright to, such as music tracks, snippets of copyrighted programmes, or any other copyrighted media.

Selection Criteria

Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of originality, creativity, relevance to the topic and technical quality. Applicants are encouraged to highlight perspectives connected to youth, gender, diversity, as well as regional and national approaches to space matters.  The submission should demonstrate knowledge of current issues in space security and sustainability, with a clear and engaging delivery. Submissions should be relevant to themes of the Conference, addressing one or more of the following topics: mapping threats and risks to space security, space security dos and don’ts, multilateral efforts to build space security, space sustainability for all, clarity and transparency in space activities, verification and monitoring for space security. Attention will be paid to the quality of the recording as well.


  • A paid trip to Geneva, Switzerland, to attend the OS24 conference in person. The trip includes roundtrip economy-class airfare and a daily subsistence allowance to cover accommodation and meals. Finalists are responsible for securing their own visa and health insurance.
  • Selected finalists will have their submissions premiered during the second day of OS24 as a series of ‘lightning talks’.
  • Selected videos will be featured on the UNIDIR website.
  • Selected finalists will have an opportunity to transform their video and OS24 experience into a brief commentary to be published on the UNIDIR website.


Any submission received becomes the property of UNIDIR with full rights to publish the videos on social media under the UNIDIR name and to edit the video into a final compilation product to be premiered at OS24. By submitting a video, the candidate consents to the use of their image and likeness as specified above. The use of the candidate’s name and image in UNIDIR promotional materials does not grant the candidate the right to use the UNIDIR or UN name and brands for commercial purposes or personal gain.